It is already June 27th! I can't believe how fast time flies by these days.
We have had so many great suggestions for our Foal Naming Contest from Breyer Collectors and we want to thank each one of you for your input; the idea's have been great!
Now this is the next step before we can send the names into the AQHA for registration.
For the next two weeks we have a new poll open for you to vote on. I have started with the most popular first at the top of the list and gone down from there. (You can find this to the right side of this page.)
- The rules are, you vote once AND select your top six choices for a name. Or as close to six as you can.
- Then we will send that list in the July 16th Breyer SpotLight so you can see which ones have been picked. (I'm sure I will post them here as well.)
- This will be the list that is sent to the AQHA for approval. Once we receive the official registration papers back, we can make the big announcement.
- If you would like recognition for your suggestion, please send me and email or post here so that I have record of it BEFORE the poll closes.
Then we will announce your name as the Winner of the Foal Naming Contest here as well as in the Breyer SpotLight.
Polls will close on July 15th so don't wait. The announcement of the top six names will be given in the
SpotLight issue that goes out on July 16th.A bit of information on this sweet sweet colt:I'm sure you have noticed in the photo he has his hind leg wrapped in neon pink.
Well, let me tell you what happened:
Several weeks ago during a thunderstorm he received an injury. A laceration of his left hock. This was discovered as we were moving mares and babies inside for protection from the storm. Immediately the vet was called and he was rushed off to see the Doctor the next morning.
Surgery and x-rays were done with many surface and sub-Q stitches. Troubles with stitching this type of area is that normally they don't stay, the tissue is too thin. Sure enough, they didn't hold. However, with flushing, washing, wrapping and bandaging this area every day for the past how many weeks, it is looking much better and is healing nicely.
However, now there is a sore that has developed on the opposite side. Rrrrr. He is scheduled to go back to the vet on Monday and we will see what happens from there.
There is one thing I have learned for sure; you will always find out what a horse is made of when you have to doctor them for any length of time. And this guy is GOLD!
He fusses a bit at getting shots yet, can't blame him; so do I. And he might get a bit tired of me flushing his sore areas for too long, but other than that he stands there and goes to sleep while my husband scratches him.
Now don't get me wrong; he does have energy and knows how to twist like a pretzel in mid air! I always wish I had my camera when he starts his "Airres Above the Ground". But when it is time for his lessons or to be doctored, he is super quiet and willing, ears always up and eyes always soft. Scratch his neck and he will follow you around like glue for hours! You simply can't ask for anything better than that.
So help me in finding the best name for this little guy - he deserves a great one because to me, he is already a champion.
Until next time; many Blessings to each of you.
PS: The picture show his true character, love and kisses while being schooled.