I have some thoughts rolling around in my mind today that I wanted to share. It may be due to the fact I just got off a recorded tele-seminar that I listened to between Perry Marshall and Dan Kennedy. [if you Google each of them you will find out about the proven systems they teach when it comes to marketing and sales letters.]
Most of the call focused on sales letters being Salesmanship in print, business owners doing direct mailing of sales letters as well as emails and on-line marketing. It focused more on big business than the single small business owner that is struggling to make ends meet.
However, one point jumped out at me. Someone on the call asked a question thankfully about how to do a short add or classified. Yea! That's it! I listened closely and what I heard was very good. After all, eBay sales "letters" have to be short as do classifieds in the newspaper. You don't have readers that are willing to read through 18 pages of information before they make their choice. In 18 pages you could convince them, sure, but they wont stay there that long.
So you have to be able to do it right away. As soon as a person looks at your headline or title; what do they see? What do they think? Does it answer their questions? These are things you have to keep in mind.
Okay; the point that jumped: Dan Kennedy answered the question along these lines. He said that you need to ask yourself this question;
"If your Title had an 800 number attached to it, would anyone call?"
Ooooo what a good question. I hadn't thought of that before. And it really makes you think, to use your mind and see what you can come up with.
Now the next step is to apply this to things you sell on eBay. How can you set up the title for your auction with this in mind? The example used was one that has run for 50 years +/- a couple and is still making money today.
Very simple and to the point. "Corns gone in 8 days or your money back!"
It labels the problem, gives and answer with a time frame and removes risk.
Now it's time to do some testing.... :-) And have some fun! How can you use this proven idea and concept to sell your Breyer Models on eBay?
Will you join me?
Until next time,
Vanguard Auction
6 years ago
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