I have received many requests about where to sell and how to sell Breyer Models. And while the market is down... like so many other markets, there are things you can do to help boost your price. However, you should also keep in mind that this takes time.
It takes time to build your reputation, time to list, time to learn if you haven't done these things already. And this is why it is so important for you to start NOW. Start listing your cheapest models now while people are just getting back into their routines.
This will do two things for you: First it will help you build experience if you don't have any. Second it will get you in front of buyers so they get to know you and feel comfortable with you. Then by the time Thanksgiving hits they will know who you are and feel comfortable making a purchase with you.
And although eBay has the most traffic, there are other places as well. Take a look at all of them, Model Horse Sales pages, the Hay Net, and the Facebook Market Place. Yes, even Facebook has a place to sell everything and anything.
The nice thing about using Facebook is that you can post on your profile that you have listed your models. You can communicate back and forth directly with people who are interested. And lets face it: Facebook has a TON of traffic as well. I'm thinking that Facebook may be the next site to give eBay a serious run for their money...
And to make it easy for you.... here is the link: http://apps.facebook.com/marketplace
If you would like more information about selling your Breyer Models on line, we do have that as well. This past year we did a four part tele-seminar series concerning everything that goes into selling Breyer Models or anything on line. From pictures, to keywords, to the over all perspective of getting it done and a few tricks along the way.
You can find out more about that here:
Hope this helps get you started thinking about the biggest sales time of the year... remember, the sooner you start, the better prepared you will be. Wouldn't it be nice to have some extra cash for Christmas??
Have questions? Post them below, I will answer I promise.
This is really good sounding advice for newbie sellers (I've never really sold models. I buy them and they DO NOT LEAVE!)
I had no idea about the Facebook marketplace, for example. Guess my search a charcoal gloss running stallion has another spot to haunt.
Thank you DrSteggy.
The Facebook Marketplace is some what new, at least when compared to eBay. However, I have seen one or two people listing Breyer Models on there in the past week. And personally I feel that FB has the financial capability to compete with eBay. It will be interesting to watch.... As for the Charcoal Running Stallion.... I'm looking as well. Just being very picky.
Good luck in your searching as well as adding to your blog.
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