Now I live far away from a water source such as the Great Lakes and have forgotten for a time about simply taking pictures. Well, I guess I have attempted to get some really good ones of the monstrous clouds that come in before a storm. Those are have a great deal of impact as well.
Today, and this past year actually, I have started to do more still life pictures and experimenting. I love taking pictures of the Breyer Models, finding ways to help their character come to the surface.
The picture at the top of this page is of a Spanish Fighting Bull. I was having so much fun basically "shooting in the dark".
Let me explain; the sun was going down, I did not have any lights on in the room because it was still light enough to see. On the camera screen I couldn't see anything, nothing. It was completely black even though it was turned on. So, I started testing to see what would happen using the flash. Not too bad. It would work.
Then I thought, "what if I tried it without flash". It was fascinating! The bull almost glowed red! Pretty cool. I have no idea what I will use them for, but hey, you never know what can happen. Any idea's??
Today I have been taking pictures of Roman Angels and fresh flowers from my garden. Yea, it helps to test other "subject matter" as well. It keeps your imagination awake and growing...
Do you have pictures of your Breyer Models you really enjoy?
Have Fun!
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